The Ourense Institute of Economic Development - INORDE, is a local autonomous body of administrative nature, under the Provincial Council of Ourense, created in 1987.

Its objective is the economic development of the province of Ourense, taking into account environmental and social aspects that contribute to the sustainable development of the whole province. INORDE carries out the following activities:

  •  EU Projects: Since its creation, INORDE actively participates in EU programmes and actions, the use of structural funds for the implementation of strategic projects in Ourense, international, interregional and cross-border cooperation with Member States for the exchange of experiences. INORDE has been leader and partner in 35 European projects developed in the framework of the Interreg III A (cross-border cooperation) and Interreg III B (transnational cooperation) programmes in the period 2002-2007. The projects were related to environmental management, tourism, cultural heritage and landscape. From 2007-2013, INORDE managed 4 Spain-Portugal Cross-Border Cooperation projects as Lead Partner, as well as being a partner in one project of the Interreg IVC programme. Currently, INORDE is managing 4 projects of the Interreg VA, Interreg Europe and Life programmes, and 3 multi-regional Cross-Border Cooperation projects are being initiated.
  • Management of tourist activities: INORDE has promoted the creation of a brand for the Province and the organisation of the tourist offer of the Province, with marketing tools such as a website (, fairs, sporting events and activities that are necessary to complement the offer of tourist establishments. 
  • Support for the agricultural, livestock and forestry sector through training, advice and research at the Xinzo de Limia Agricultural Development Centre, which has a laboratory accredited by ENAC for soil analysis and the only one accredited in Spain for the potato nematode; in collaboration with the main institutes of the EU Member States.
  • INORDE has managed projects aimed at providing knowledge for the development of new products such as organic products, and to enhance the value of local products, introducing more efficient models of production, storage and distribution.
  • Indigenous Breed Recovery Programmes: INORDE owns the founding herds, with the aim of ensuring the conservation of the last specimens of each breed and achieving the multiplication of these herds with a health guarantee to distribute them to livestock farmers; considered today as the main reservoirs of these breeds in the whole of the CC. AUTOMOBILE CLUB BRITÁNICO. Galician (Celtic Pig, Galician Sheep, Galician Goat and Fly Hen).
  • Cooperation with Business Confederations, Chambers of Commerce, Provincial Business Associations and Universities in the activities they promote to foster the economic development of the province.
  • Business revitalisation: support to entrepreneurs and businessmen, promotion of local business initiatives; design and coordination of trade missions; search and attraction of business projects for the province of Ourense.
  • Conducting studies and analyses. Economic Observatory of Ourense.
  • Collaboration with companies in Ourense for the promotion of local products. INORDE is a member of the Board of Directors and the General Shareholders' Meeting of the Technological Park of Galicia.
Artisan ice cream
  • Brand name: La Central Heladera Artesana de Ourense
  • Sector: ICE CREAMS
Red wine
  • Brand name: Sameirás
  • Sector: Ribeiro PDO
Creative jams
  • Brand name: Nela gourmet
  • Sector: JAMS
Rural gastronomy
  • Brand name: O Irixo
White wine
  • Brand name: Sampayolo
  • Sector: Valdeorras PDO
White wine
  • Brand name: Sameirás
  • Sector: Ribeiro PDO
Red wine
  • Brand name: Sampayolo
  • Sector: Valdeorras PDO
  • Brand name: Celme
  • Sector: VERMOUTH
White wine
  • Brand name: Celme de Pena Bicada
  • Sector: Ribeiro PDO
Red wine
  • Brand name: Celme do Souto
  • Sector: Ribeiro PDO
White wine
  • Brand name: Eduardo Bravo
  • Sector: Ribeiro PDO
100% Galician veal meat
  • Brand name: A Vaquería
  • Sector: BEEF
  • Brand name: Doce Bágoa
  • Sector: HONEY
  • Brand name: Postoiro SCG
  • Sector: VEGETABLES
Artisan cheese, honey and faba loba from the Trevinca Mountains
  • Brand name: Cumbres de Trevinca
  • Sector: FRESH CHEESE
  • Brand name: Patatas ama
  • Sector: VEGETABLES