We founded a family business in 2008, dedicated to the satisfaction of each one of our customers with an excellent gastronomic variety, taking care of the highest quality standard.

We started with venezuelan based cuisine, and have evolved to new markets, diversifying from Finger Foods (such as cheese Tequeños) to prepared meals (such as vegan burgers), also adding the distribution of a variety of brands.

Our industrial progress now involves “ad hoc” developments for customers, adapting fabrication to their needs, with a unique flavor and the highest quality.

Queso Telita - Queso fresco hilado
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: SOFT PASTE
Nata - Crema ácida con sal
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: CUSTARD
Hummus - Receta mediterránea con garbanzos
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: CHICKPEAS
Cachitos - Bollo relleno
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: PASTRIES
Cachapa - Tortita de maíz dulce precocida
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: OTHERS
Golfeados - Caracola dulce con queso
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: PASTRIES
Preparados: carnes preparadas listas para calentar y consumir
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: FROZEN MEATS
Arepa de queso - Precocida
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: OTHERS
Jojoticos - Palitos de maíz dulce rellenos de queso fresco
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: OTHERS
Crujimaiz - Croquetas de maíz con queso fresco
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: OTHERS
Palitos de queso fresco envueltos en masa crujiente
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: OTHERS
Queso Guayanés - Queso Fresco hilado
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: SOFT PASTE
Queso de Mano: queso fresco hilado
  • Brand name: Antojos Araguaney
  • Sector: SOFT PASTE