6th Salón de Gourmets Awards

  • Exhibitor: GRUPO GOURMETS
  • Date: Thursday, April 27, 2017
  • Time: 12:00 PM - 13:00 PM
  • Pab: 8
  • Location: Gourmet Auditorium - 8E62

In order to recognise the professional career of exhibitors at Salón de Gourmets, promote culinary progress in terms of innovation, technological development and presentation, as well as to raise awareness of producers’ endeavours to endow their products with cutting-edge appeal, the Salón de Gourmets Awards will be staged for the sixth consecutive year.

All companies that have presented some new feature in the New Products Exhibition and who began to market their new product as of March 2016 are eligible for these Awards.

The Salón de Gourmets Awards include three categories: 

  • Prize for Innovation: This award recognises the R&D and innovation deployed by companies and is presented to the special product that, in addition to being new and innovative, also represents an advance for the industry and for consumers. 
  • Prize for Presentation: This award is based on the coherent combination of two essential aspects:aesthetic appeal, which encompasses the presentation of the product and the informative aspect from a consumer point of view. The award recognises the propitious balance between the aesthetic appeal of the packaging and the information that faithfully summarises the product’s nutritional value.
  • Prize for Versatility: This award is granted to the product that, due to its unique characteristics, is capable of enriching the culinary scene based on its multiple applications.

The more than 1,000 fine food and drink products on show will be evaluated over the fair’s four-day duration by a Jury of Experts, who will allocate the awards in the different categories.

At past editions, the Jury consisted of:

  • Mauricio García de Quevedo, Managing Director of FIAB
  • Fernando José Burgaz Moreno, Head of the Foodstuffs Department at  MAGRAMA
  • Esperanza Orellana, Assistant Head of Food Promotion at MAGRAMA
  • José María Rubio, President of  FEHR
  • Emilio Gallego, Secretary General of FEHR
  • Inés Menéndez de Luarca, Head of the Food and Gastronomy Division at  ICEX
  • Pedro Larumbe, Chairman of Saborea España
  • Luis Pacheco, Owner of Gold Gourmet
  • María Navarro Rubio González-Valeri, Subdirectora General de Promoción Alimentaria del MAPAMA.

Video of the last edition: