16th Oyster Opener-Écailleurs / Sorlut / Grupo Gourmets / Spanish Championship

  • Sector: MARISCOS
  • Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024
  • Time: 13:30 PM - 17:00 PM
  • Pab: 6
  • Location: Gourmets Stage - 6A26


Competition Rules

A unique competition where contestants prove their mastery at manually opening 30 oysters in the shortest time. The contest at the 16 edition, sponsored by the French oyster company Daniel Sorlut, is aimed to professional oyster shuckers who practice their activity in Spain. The jury awards points for the opening technique, neatness, speed, skill and presentation while penalizes the presence of nacre and total or partial breakings. A bleeding wound in a contestant means the immediate disqualification. The winner will receive a prize of €600 and a Diploma accrediting him/her as as "Best Oyster Opener of Spain 2024”.


  • First place: Luis Flavio Amor Pupo Ostras Sorlut Mercado de San Miguel (Madrid). Time: 3,31 seconds.
  • Second place: Adrián Plazas Medipeix- Mercat El Olivar Palma (Baleares). Time: 3,39 seconds.
  • Third place: Antonio Ruíz Díaz Rodríguez Ostreria La Medusa (Málaga). Time: 4,12 seconds.

The contestants of this edition were:

  • Adrián Plazas Medipeix- Mercat El Olivar Palma (Baleares)
  • Ángel Javier Ramírez Díaz Supermercado Casa Pucherete La Carolina (Jaen)
  • Elena Malkova Catering de ostras Ostreina Zaragoza
  • Esteban Alonso Montero Restaurante “La Ostreria “San Vicente de la Barquera (Cantabria)
  • María Cuetos De Diego Don Ostra Barcelona
  • Jesús Antonio Ruíz Díaz Rodríguez Ostreria La Medusa Málaga
  • Yessica Montenegro Gallego Ostreria La Medusa Málaga
  • Luis Flavio Amor Pupo Ostras Sorlut Mercado de San Miguel Madrid

The jury in the present edition was composed of:

  • Luis Cepeda  Gastronomicóm
  • Ramón Ramírez   Restaurante el Invernadero de los Peñotes
  • Daniel Sorlut   Grupo Sorlut
  • Miriam Pregonero  Casa del Pregonero
  • Enrique Pérez Restaurante El Doncel Sigüenza(Guadalajara)
  • Charo Val   La Alacena del Gourmet- Jurado de Honor
  • Alberto Tabernero    Profesor escuela de hostelería de Madrid
  • Ana Lorente   Librería A Punto
  • Juan Pozuelo   Director Técnico Bocuse D'Or / Teatro Goya Catering- Technical Jury