3 Art of Knife Meat Cutting National Competition El Encinar de Humienta / Gourmets

  • Exhibitor: GRUPO GOURMETS
  • Date: Tuesday, April 26, 2022
  • Time: 10:30 AM - 13:00 PM
  • Pab: 6
  • Location: Gourmets Stage - 6A26

Contest Rules 

In the 15 Century, the Marquess of Villena wrote an elaborated treatise on the art of meat cutting or cisoria, the original old Spanish word. The 2 National Cisoria Art Championship Encinar de Humienta / Grupo Gourmets, is aimed to professionals who practice their activity in Spain, recovering the relevance of this basic and yet difficult art to master. During the first phase participants cut up a baron of beef where neatness of the cut, technique, ability, speed and order are awarded. In a second stage contestants elaborate a steak tartar taking into account presentation, originality and, of course, taste. 

The winner is awarded with a prize worth €500 and a dimplome accrediting him/her as the Spanish Champion 2022


First Prize

Robin Parada

El Asador del Abad



Second Prize

Gustavo Ricardo Yataco

Ferretería by Ego


Third Prize

Pedro José Cardona




Baian Hannick

Purchasing Manager - Compras Osy

Javier Collar

Director El Encinar de Humienta

Yvette Bergmans

Commercial Director ASTTRA

Andrés Sánchez Magro


Andrés Madrigal

La Única

Steffen Nagel

Supplier JN MEAT


Selected Contestants:

Robin Parada

El Asador del Abad Restaurant

Gustavo Ricardo Yacato

Ferreteria By Ego

Víctor Fernández Tejedor

Asador de Bulnes Restaurant

Agustín Alcalde

La Española Restaurant

Jefferson Pinto Jiménez

La Cabra Restaurant