Characteristic for their extra fiber, the whole grain peaks are the perfect complement to your dishes and your diet.
They are perfect for any occasion and you can eat them on their own or as a side to another food.
Coming from the traditional bakery, ABUELO BREAD was born in El Puerto de Santa María (Cádiz) in 2017, dedicated exclusively to the production and marketing of the highest quality bread products WITHOUT GLUTEN AND WITHOUT THE MAIN ALLERGENS.
Abuelo is experience, tradition, quality, knowledge.
Bread is flavor, product, innovation, internationalization.
The union of both words, Abuelo Bread, our project. A global brand that can be recognized anywhere, a mixture of languages, cultures, tradition and innovation, flavor and quality. A tribute to bread without remembering that we are eating gluten-free and without the main allergens. A project created with the clear intention of making products for the whole family, products for any time, products for everyone.
Our goal is to get the best possible products for everyone since we do not use any of the mandatory labeling allergens and, furthermore, because even people who can eat gluten-free products will miss an iota of the traditional flavor and texture. The challenge is not to please only those who have limited options, but those who can eat everything and still choose us.
We combine tradition, experience, knowledge, innovation and the good humor of Grandfather, together with the best ingredients and a unique production process.