CALIFICACION DE EXCELENTE 92 puntos Guía Peñin, medalla de oro en el concurso internacional CON-VINO, MEDALLA DE ORO en el concurso TASTE WINE-UP 2018,
Vista: Color dorado Nariz: Aroma a fruta confitada, especias dulces, hierbas secas. Boca: Redondo, dulce, buena acidez, especiado, fino amargor.
Vermouth makers since 1940, Zecchini is synonymous with the development and aging of Vermuts since the beginning of the last century. In those years the vermouth was in Madrid a new arrival from Italy. Today the Vermouth Zecchini continues to conquer palates, although transformed into true Madrid tradition and rooted in the most authentic of our unique region