Breadcrumbs, to thicken cold soups, gazpacho or salmorejo type. 300 g Tupper

Breadcrumbs, very thin, with a slight orange color, ideal to thicken all kinds of cold soups, instantly and the Salmorejo, gazpacho ... obtaining a very nice texture in all the applications, very easy and very fast to make, it is an ideal complement in your kitchen, be surprised of everything you can do with this breadcrumbs, fine and colored .

Santa Rita Harinas, is the food company that has most innovated in the world of flour, making a basic product, an ingredient that allows us to have fun and be creative in the kitchen.

We have the most exclusive ingredients, formulation and packaging. A differentiating, practical and hygienic presentation that allows better conservation and food safety.We are proud of our wide and varied range of products to enjoy cooking:Flours for Tempuras, Wheat and Corn Flours, for Frying Fish or for Croquettes and Bechamel. Very Crispy Fried Onion, garlic and parsley dressing, or frying Kentucky style chicken.Flours for Pizzas and Muffins, Biscuits ... And grated bread, crispy Pan Cracker and Panko.

We continue researching every day to be able to offer new products and new gastronomic experiences. In Santa Rita we want to put our granite of flour in each dish that is made with the heart. That's why we take care of every detail, because we know that the goal is not important. The important thing is the path and each person who trusts us. We are much more than flour. We are a different way of making flours. We are the ingredient of Happiness. !!!!!!