A new cheese of Thread Castilla y León, and there are already five, the first from Palencia, has joined the family of this brand new Denomination. Goticos Fields, cheese shop located in Villerías de Campos (Palencia), has been selected to make this sheep cheese. The origin of this cheese is in the way in which some shepherds used to store it: so that the mice did not eat it, they would cross the cheese with a stick forming strings that hung from the ceiling, and in this way they stayed away from the animals . The result was a cheese with a central hole. "Having a hole in the center maturation is not the same. It ripens faster and the flavors are different. It is a drier cheese ", explains Mariano Paramio, director of Gothic Fields, a Grandesproductos. "The elaboration is complex and a special mold with a hole is needed," adds Paramio, recently awarded the Cecale de Oro as one of the best entrepreneurs in Castilla y León. In this cheese factory the molds are filled by hand and the cloth is used, as in the past. The maturation of this type of cheese can be done by hanging the cheeses according to the traditional form or on the surface. The cheese of Gothic Fields, made with raw milk, 600 grams, went on the market a month ago, and joins the cured cheeses, oil and cream cheese that the cheese factory has been making since 1994. In a short time the Rosca Cheese has positioned itself as one of the most demanded in Castilla y León. Before Gothic Fields began to produce La Casona de los Pisones, in Burgos; Quesos el Molinero, in Segovia; La Quesería de Rueda, in Valladolid, and Laurus Quesería Artesana, in Zamora. This new cheese has already been the victim of two attempts to copy in Zamora and Madrid that the legal services of Queso de Rosca Castilla y León have been aborted. All the cheeses of this Denomination have a numbered guarantee seal that guarantees their quality.

Artisan Cheeses from Raw Sheep Milk Churra from Own Ovine Livestock .Livestock Breeders of Churras Sheep, in the year 1993 we recovered the elaboration of artisan cheeses that in the 70s left our parents.

- Semi-cured, aged and aged cheeses from raw Churra sheep milk.

- Craft cheese creams packed in glass jars of 110.- Gr.

- Rosca cheese, from Castilla y León, the most traditional cheese known, with a central hole.

- Lamb Precooked Churro in Tin of Preserves. of D.O.P. Lechazo de Castilla y León. 5 years of expiration, Preparation in 40 minutes