Sheep cheese made with raw milk

  • Exhibitor: NATURSER S.C.E
Extremeña cake The Torta Extremeña is a cheese without Denomination of Origin elaborated with raw sheep's milk, common salt and vegetable rennet, elaborated and matured following the traditional methods and with a minimum period of maturation of 60 days.

Our history

For centuries, the livestock farm of the Merina breed in the Comarca of La Serena, has provided benefits to both the ranchers and the sheep herd. Those sold wool and milk, and these maintained the value of the region since it is an autochthonous race. From the nineties of the last century, the wool of our sheep began to lose its value, the price of the lamb also suffered a depreciation with respect to other cabins; Added to this was a severe drought that hit the region during those years. It is then when you start to make cheese in order to mitigate the losses.

In ancient times the cheese was made by hand, inside the farms themselves and during the spring season. With the elaborated cheese the salary was paid to the shepherds, as well as for their own consumption. It used to be kept in earthen jars with oil to last all year. If the year was hot the cheese became more unctuous. This cheese began to be called cake, since the cheese was "stuck" by this excess heat. Over time this type of cheese would become the most appreciated and recognized cheese in the region of La Serena.

This resulted in the construction of La Serena Artisanal Cheese processing plants, in order to give an added value to livestock farms, ensure the sale of milk to the farmer and break with the seasonality of the product, guaranteeing a production Craft and quality throughout the year.

Based on these principles and philosophy, in December 2010, a new Special Cooperative Society for the marketing of Gourmet products of La Serena was founded: NATURSER SCE, formed by five important Cooperatives of the Comarca de la Serena and Sierra Norte de Sevilla, as well as the Arteserena sl company in order to market their products under the same identity.