kOUIGNETTE®, an individual puff pastry from the tipical region of France, la Bretagne.

  • Brand name: kOUIGNETTE® Maison Georges Larnicol
  • Sector: PASTELES
  • Innovation Area

La Kouignette® is a handmade individual puff pastry  primarily made with churned butter and  leavened dough.   

Creation of Georges Larnicol, Best Craftsmen of France "Meilleur Ouvrier de France", la Kouignette® is an invention  inspired by the Kouign Amann. It is now the flagship product of the company.  It is crispy on the edge and soft in the middle. You can enjoy it alone or with some ice cream, at any moment of the day.   

La Maison Georges Larnicol  is a French Artisan Producer of Premium chocolates but also biscuits and  pastries using the best recipes and ingredients from the authentic French region of Brittany.

Our flagship product is the KOUIGNETTE®.  Creation of Georges Larnicol, one of the best craftsmen of France "Meilleur Ouvrier de France" , the Kouignette® is an invention inspired by the Kouign Amann.   The Kouignette® is a handmade individual puff pastry primarily made with leavened dough and churned butter.  We offer different flavours. 

Our product range:

KOUIGNETTE®   https://larnicol.com/14-kouignettes  

GATEAU BRETON natural flavour   (a pastry from the region of Brittany in France made with churned butter )  https://larnicol.com/17-gateaux-bretons  

GATEAU BRETON with buckwheat flour (gluten free ) with or without chocolate

KOUIGN AMANN  (puff pastry made primarily with leavened dough and churned butter )   https://larnicol.com/15-kouign-amann  

CHOCOLATE  https://larnicol.com/chocolaterie/104-bourriche-de-chocolats-assortis.html  

BISCUIT    https://larnicol.com/24-biscuiterie   Butter biscuits - specialty of Brittany   

TORCHETTE®  https://larnicol.com/25-torchettes A crunchy biscuit with a mix of different ingredients without animal fat.  With almonds, wheat, egg white, sugar, raisins, a touch of rum and hazelnuts.  It is an energy booster cookie.  Small size package 150 g Or an XL size package with 3 big cookies.   

MERINGUE (natural or Cacao flavour)   

MACARON  (different flavours available)