Pasión Loca Contenida

Our EVOO is obtained from olives of the PICUAL variety. This is the most recognized and appreciated variety in the province of Jaén and is characterized by its strong personality and very balanced bitterness and itch, due to our irrigation system.Its sensory profile is defined as intense fruity, with notes of fig, grass, stem, citrus and tomato. In the mouth, it is sweet and with bitterness and itch very balancedWe package our EVOO variety Picual in two formats, both available in 500 ml and 250 ml.

With a visionary spirit and an exceptional audacity, VERDE ESMERALDA is born with the sole purpose of creating the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil in the world. Verde Esmeralda invents and perfects the techniques for obtaining a unique quality. With great care and special care, the best fruits are collected manually.

Obtaining the best Extra Virgin Olive Oil is, more than a technique, a spiritual ritual. No thermal oscillations and at the right temperature from obtaining the fruit to extracting its Elixir.

Verde Esmeralda harvests its fruits from a selection of the best trees among 78,542 olive trees, for this an exhaustive monitoring of all cultural practices for the cultivation of the olive tree is carried out. From the moment the olive tree begins to bloom, passing through the fruit set and all its development in the tree, all the variables that affect the quality of the fruit are controlled.