Parqueoliva Fruit is a product prepared with quinces in good condition, properly mature and fresh, which is undergone a process of extraction, physical and mechanical, during the preparation. The result is a superior quality product.
Quince benefits:
LOW CALORIE: Quince, in terms of its composition, is not particularly known for its high calorie content; it is not a fruit with a lot of sugar.
RICH IN MINERALS: This is one of the most important quince properties: it has an excellent level of potassium and calcium.
EXCELLENT SOURCE OF FIBRE: The main benefits of quince come from its high fiber content, especially pectin and mucilage, as well as tannins. This makes this product as an astringent and an excellent digestive. It is often used to soften the digestive system and even stimulate a good liver function.
HIGH CONTENT OF MALIC ACID: Good to eliminate uric acid.