The bread and the sweets of Bakery Piña are a totally artisan product composed by flour, water, salt, eggs, sugar, cinnamon, yeast. Ingredients all hundred percent natural and that can give an idea of ??the healthy and nutritious that are our products of Arab origin that in Algatocin we wanted to perpetuate of our ancestors. In the Kiln of Pan Piña we carry out the entire manufacturing process under the strictest quality controls. In which we deposit all our knowledge and all the care that is required for the final consumer to continue trusting us. Authentic breads from the Serrania de Ronda carried around the world. At the Piña Bakery we know that the quality of the product is the basis for its commercialization. That is why we are concerned with finding the best ingredients, selecting them and using them. In our process of elaboration we take care of the detail all the steps, that finalize when our client has the flavors of his childhood in any of our products.