Durante el Salón Gourmet explicaremos en que consiste nuestras actividades de enoturismo: "Experiencia Vega Tolosa"
Y es día 26 entregaremos invitaciones para poder venir a visitarnos y conocer: nuestra bodega, vinos, entorno, pueblos y gastronomía.
Pagos de Familia Vega Tolosa, es una bodega familiar situada en Casas Ibáñez de Albacete, todos sus vinos son ecológicos, acogidos a la D.O. Manchuela.
Si nos visita podrá disfrutar visitando Alcalá del Júcar, uno de los pueblos más bonitos de España a tan solo 10 km de nuestra bodega.
Vea el vídeo promocional y disfrute de las vistas de la Manchuela.
In 1905, Mr.Jose and Mrs.Ana builta‘jaraiz’, a small warehouse next to theirhome.55 years later, in 1960, Juan JoseTolosa inherited this winery from hisgrandparents, located in the center oftown.In the house next to it, Juan Joseand his wife Mariluz raised a family.Rightthere their two children were born, JuanMiguel and Emilio, and they were thefounders of ‘Pagos de Familia VegaTolosa’ and also built a new winerybetter adapted and sui- table for makingquality wines.
The experience of the four generations who have run the winery has allowedVega Tolosa to go back to its origins respecting the winemaking traditions of theirancestors and cultivating his vineyards in a natural way, as it was made in thepast.Nowadays, this is known as organic farming and it generates a highbiodiversity in the agrarian world.Despite the years, Vega Tolosa has known how to combine the respect for traditionand innovation showing this way its daring and enterprising character.
Just 120 km from the MediterraneanSea, between the valleys of the riversJúcar and Cabriel, the vineyards of Pagosde Familia Vega Tolosa are grown.Both the vineyard and winery arelocated in the town of Casas Ibañez, inthe province of Albacete. Therefore ourwines are embraced under theDesignation of Origin‘Manchuela’.
In 1998 it was decided to builda new, more practical and functionalwinery in order to produce and marketquality wines all over the world.Counting on all the machinery(equipment) made with the la- testtechnology, on the barrel room full ofFrench oak barrels and on the experienceof many years investigating new winemakingcreations, we have obtained arange of suitable wines not only for ourmost demanding costumers but also forthe taste of future new consumers.
Carrying out a thorough traceability, Vega Tolosa vineyards produce high qualitywines under D.O. La Manchuela that are produced as Organic Wines under thecontrol parameters required by the European Community to be certified as such. VegaTolosa takes a step further by creating its own rules regarding the cultivation and makingprocesses of grapes; the respect for biodiversity where animals and plants live togetherin a unique and sustainable environment.We plant vines between olives, pines and oaks, along with a vegetation cover formed ofdry leaves, pruning remains and manure that will help those beneficial insects, neededfor the control of potential blights, to shelter.White wines have a straw yellow colour, tropical aromas and fruity flavours and they arelong and pleasant wines to drink.Rosé wines have a raspberry colour and intense aromas of raspberries andstrawberries.They are tasty, fresh and balanced in the mouth.The cherry coloured red wines present hints of red berries and an earthy background. Onthe palate they are soft, warm and tasty.