  • Exhibitor: CHIRIMVITA
  • Date: Tuesday, April 25, 2017
  • Time: 15:30 PM - 17:30 PM
  • Pab: 2
  • Location: Exhibitors stands

New presentation nutritional line Smoothie

Mezcla of the best fruits and vegetables with seeds of chía, aloe side fresh air, ginger, mentions etc., with a nutritional balance extraordinary and adapted to take at any hour.

EXOTISMO: Cherimoya, Coconut, Banana, Orange and Aloe natural Side.

TROPICAL: Handle, Pineapple and Maracuya. PASSIONAL: Strawberry, Red Fruits (raspberry and cranberry), Beet and Chía's Seeds.

ELIXIR: Papaya, Medlar, Orange and fresh Mint

FRESHH: Melon, Pineapple and Cherimoya of the Tropical Coast.

DETOX: Apple, Spinach, Cherimoya of the Tropical Coast, Cucumber, Celery, Parsley and Ginger.