"A Pulpeira" was born as a result of the continuation of the family business of "pulpeiro and pulpeira" that our ancestors practiced at fairs and festivals in Galicia for more than 100 years. This trade, passed from parents to children, was born in O Carballiño, Ourense, birthplace of the best "pulpeiros and pulpeiras" of Galicia, creators of the "octopus to the fair" recipe. Our origin, therefore, marks us to try to undertake A mission, a new way of cooking the octopus, that manages to maintain and enhance all its flavor and quality. That is why we set in motion a process of research and development of a new method of cooking, based on the knowledge acquired during the years of the octopus and its cooking, together with the new technologies of aliment.Fruto of this research arises a new Method of cooking, in vacuum and steam. We use for this the octopus of the highest quality, obtained in the best fishing grounds of the world and with the most demanding canons. Explaining where we come from and who we are helps the buyer to understand the work that is Makes with the octopus, the history that we have places us as the only octopus broodero that create the "pulpeiras and pulpeiros" of O Carballiño, authentic specialists in the knowledge of the octopus and its cooking.Consuming quality octopus is synonymous with success, both economically and in terms of satisfaction. It is therefore essential to have premium raw material to be able to apply the steam and steam cooking method. Even applying this method to a low quality octopus will not be able to obtain a good result, because when cooking, the losses that reaches the octopus will be too high. If there is something that catches the attention of our octopus, no doubt, will be the juice. First impression will lead to think that it is water or some type of liquid cover, but no, what is observed is the juice that the octopus has generated during cooking and that has been collected in the bag where it cooks.Unce we have thawed , Washed and sorted the octopus, we put it in cooking bags, we make a vacuum of 100%, leaving the octopus ready to be cooked. Our ovens adapted for steam cooking do the rest. Introducing the bags with the octopus and cook at low temperatures prolonging the time. The result is an octopus that cooks little by little and expels the juices themselves during cooking. This method of cooking enhances the taste of the octopus while keeping all its Proteins, vitamins and minerals in the form of juice. In turn, it prolongs the useful life of the octopus once cooked, until the 120 days in refrigerado.Este process is 100% Natural without adding anything to the octopus in any of the processes that realize. The juice is the great value of the octopus, denominated By some of the best chefs in the world, such as "Caldo del Mar". Apart from being fundamental to regenerate the octopus, the juice is applied in cooking in many ways, being used in the cooking of potatoes, as a background of rice, applied in salads or ceviches, or also to make mus or foams ...Traductor de Google para empresas:Google Translator ToolkitTraductor de sitios webGlobal Market Finder
Tasting octopus
  • Type: Guided tasting